
Educational resources hub for geoscientists


A compilation of geoscience information sources

With the Covid-era boom of online presentations, the goal of this project is to create a hub of easily available (and often free) sources of geoscience-related information. Another intention is to provide appreciation to all of the content makers as together they are helping industry professionals and students with continuous professional development, along with geocommunication to the general public. At the end of the day, it is all about the right people!


The sources that have been selected serve primarily for education and entertainment purposes. The concept is that the site structure and content will be continuously evolving with the help of the worldwide geoscience community. New ideas and sections will be developed with time. In this first iteration, free webinars, podcasts, and blogs are compiled as the most easily available resources. They are divided into geoscience categories. The present compilation is certainly biased towards (1) English-speaking, (2) Canadian/Australian sources, and (3) exploration of ore deposits, so anyone is welcome to contribute and fill in the gaps (other regions, languages, and geoscience disciplines) - don't hesitate to share the sources you like.


All content (images, videos, publications, logos, intellectual rights, etc.) is courtesy of its owners. All images and links on this website are taken from open online sources. YouTube previews are provided only to highlight the most interesting (in my view) videos and raise interest, and users of GeoLibrarium are strongly encouraged to proceed to the original channels or websites. I am also not affiliated with any of the service providers, сompanies, or their products, and I mention them because I find materials interesting and useful to share. Should there be any concerns please don't hesitate to contact me via email.

This website uses Google Analytics to get general user statistics (country, device type, browser type, certain page views, etc.) and does not collect any personal information (such as emails, names, job titles, etc.), nor use any cookies.